Saturday, November 3, 2012

Epic Browser is all set for a major update.

Epic web browser is planning for the big makeover with its major update but it don't seems make any mark on the market share right now. Its being an Indian browser doesn't make it the most preferred browser by Indians. They need to bring some thing that click in the mind of users and they gain momentum as well as popularity.

The things that become the major hurdle:
  1. It is based on Mozilla and gives all features that already present in Firefox and working better.
  2. Browsers like Chrome and Firefox have captured the market and most sites work well. Even people have trust on these browsers. Browsers like Opera and Maxthon are unable to make any impact on the browser market and hence expecting big magic from Epic is not that easy.
Things they can do to improve market share:
  1. Be more in news so that people may know about this browser.
  2. Try to give a secured and more customized version for the enterprise so that people may become habitual of it.
So, it will be good to see comes in the next update and what will be its impact.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Rediffmail NG is really the mailbox ready to compete with GMail, YMail or Outlook?

Rediffmail which used to be the default mailbox of the many in India, will now be surprise to know is still alive. is no more the default home page. Rediff has lost everything from default portal to mail to chat. Rediff used to be the default home page for the most people in India (being the fastest loading portal, many times faster than yahoo) but now Google is the only home page it seems. Yahoo has taken the leap in being the portal of choice.

Rediff Bol which used to be a popular chat client is dead. Rediffmail NG which they call as next generation is also seems to be taking its last few breaths. At the time when hotmail is set for overall makeover to metro style outlook to survive against GMail and YMail, Rediff seems to loose the race and is showing no innovation. Rediffmail NG even don't have push notification. Integration with other Rediff services is poor. Also, Rediffmail NG on web look unfit and the mail interface is poor.

Rediff should understand that they have seen a stiff competition in all fields and companies like Web18 and Indiatimes are producing better innovative products than Rediff and Sify which used to be the top companies earlier.

Also, Rediff always competed with Global Giants like Google and Yahoo. But with the emergence of Orkut they start loosing and then lack of innovation kept them on back seat and now out of the bus. Rediff need to set a line up of products which people like, for example, Rediffmail, Rediff Bol, ZaraBol, MyPage and Portal(news etc). Then they need to innovate on all of these with full focus and try to compete aggressive with global giants. Standing out and watching the global do business won't help them much and in the end they need to sell the company.

Rediff need to be more focus on its main product and try to be number one in those in India, then only they think of being in profits.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where did rediff lost the battle?

I still remember using Rediff Bol when i entered college. Later I moved to orkut and then to gtalk, and rediff bol doesn't exist. It was the light weight  that made me use this rediff bol as it was really easy to install on all PCs at college. But with the entry of orkut things changed and we move to scraps. Also, all our friends were sync on gtalk and we start using it as it was also light weight.

Rediff lost when they didn't made the entry into social networks and also did not try to maintain their priority to low band network connection in India. Rediffmail was always as popular as yahoomail or gmail but now things have changed and people even open which use to be home page for all earlier.

Rediff tried to consolidate on news, but major players like indiatimes and moneycontrol took that over and left rediff some where lost. Rediff now has  no product in which they are leaders in India. Rediff seems to lag behind in the present race. Rediff is trying its hand in e-commerce like deals and online shopping but due to tough competition from start ups, not able to make any impact.

Rediff is posting losses every quarter and now it seems to be lost the internet battle in India.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Everything on EMI on

E-commerce web sites are growing in India at a pace unmatched pace and all websites are doing their best to get more customers through unique products/schemes. has taken a step and has introduced everything on EMI of six months without any interest. This seems to be nice !dea as most of the people shopping online are young and hence EMI may help them to shop more. Also, they offer try and buy ie. you can try at your doorstep and if you like it then you can buy one.

Market already has many number of players in online shopping and it will tough for to make a place but this seems to be an aggressive move as well as nice idea to that. Will see soon how it shapes up.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated." -Mark Twain

Flock is coming back soon. There site has started showing so. It will be interesting to see that what they have in there package as last time they exited because they were lacking innovation, Firefox and chrome had so many social extensions that you do not need to install a new browser.

There can be a chance that Facebook which is searching to get a browser may take over flock, as Opera can be an expensive deal and also flock has a talent pool that can make browser for all platforms. So its better to get the talent pool and make it in your own style rather than buying an expensive company.

Browser war has again begun and there are many more number of players who are fighting to get the position, so this time its going to be tricky and unlike previous which were fought on Windows, this time its on multiple platforms.

Key players on different platforms are:

1. Windows -
  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Opera
2. iOS -
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox and Axis yet to make impact
3. Android -
  • Android Browser
  • Chrome
  • iBrowser from ibibo
  • UC browser
  • Dolphin
  • Opera
  • Maxthon

Its going to be a tough fight this time and especially on Android which is the most popular platform and on mobile browsers bring more option for monetizing and many companies like ibibo and UC want to concentrate only on Android that make the fight little more tricky.

And since flock is coming back this means still there is space for more players to survive in this BROWSER WAR.

Note: Indian companies do not have such browsers other than Epic on Windows and ibrowser on Android. Tough to understand that why companies like Rediff, Indiatimes etc do not fight in this main stream Internet wars. Lets innovate guys!!!!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012 may turn to be the site of 2012 and may have IPO next year has gone under a major redesign that makes it better on Tabs and PC. Earlier it has the GUI that was only phone focused. Now new looks better and all set for the fly.

Saavn is looking so strong that may be the Internet Company for 2012. The Government decision to block all illegal music sites, will boost growth in these source of music. Saavn though have the competition with the bigger Internet House of India like Indiatimes ( and (which has revamp the home page and now made music available more easy to user.

The advantage gaana and in has is that they can buy more music rights which may turn out to be non-impact-able once saavn achieve growth. The main reason I see getting a huge growth figure is that they are topping charts when it comes to the Android. Their Android application is the best in the market in terms of music streaming. They also offers an extension on Chrome though it is not impressive.

It can clearly be seen that bigger Indian Internet Companies makes a product come in race and then loose the focus. being a start-up will give their best shots not only to survive but to top. And for all this they will require funds and that can be earned from the market so it won't be a surprise if saavn brings its IPO next year.

Sunday, May 27, 2012 Mail still has the folder missing bug

Just imagine you have made a folder to store all your important mails or to sort them, suddenly that folder disappears leaving all the other mails in your inbox that were relatively not that important. Will you ever turn back to that mail service, I think not at all. mail has the major bug in that folders you created disappear and re-appear after few days. We never know what folder will reappear and what will never reappear. In that case, no one can rely on making it as the main mail id and till it is not the primary mail ID, the business cannot be profitable.

The mail service can only be a success once the management of start using it. Because once they do they will realize what is good and what is bad in that.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Can India build its own Facebook?

This seems to be a big question that is it possible for India to build its own Facebook. The only possibility is from R&D. But looking at the R&D standard in India it seems to be quite far ahead in future. Right now R&D in India means "Receive and Dispatch" where as the world believes in Research and Development.

Till the time India do not get innovative on web products they cannot make the Facebook in India. Facebook beats all with all the innovation it brought to the world of the Social Network, and hence captured the same to become the strongest element of it. Indian Internet companies don't seems to have that fire in them. Rediff which seems to be a bit global is like an old forgettable story. World has move so much ahead India which has stayed back and lost the race by many laps.

We have even seen the global trend where people make innovative products and sell them to larger companies as a very good cost. And those companies run these products as a bigger success story or at-least to its maximum potential. Unlike India, where some people copy the idea from west and then build the sell the unpolished product to Indian Internet Company for an average price. Being unpolished and stolen it becomes a flop in front of its original western counter-path.

Hence, innovation is the real requirement of the world today and till the time we do not achieve it we cannot build a better Internet Industry and cannot imagine to have a Facebook build in India.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to make a start up success?

To make a start up a success we always think to have a great idea and we go back to school to get one. But that not the real truth to have a success start-up we need to find an area which is large enough to absorb many start-ups so that it can reduce the chance of failure and loss. Like, if we talk about the Internet Sector then e-commerce, tech blog, news may be the area which has the capacity to absorb many start-ups as user base exploring is huge and growing. And Social already captured by Facebook, search by Google and mail by gmail, ymail etc can be a bad idea to enter fight with them who have bigger server and better quality.

Now once you have identified the area, it is important to identify the weak point of the area where others are lacking behind and provide that in your start-up. Like tech blogs are not pure about internet sector where we need more news and more exposure can be a better deal. Similarly, cloud storage Drop-box takes equal space on my laptop as much it takes online so I need a software which is like an online folder and do not save thing on my laptop but it feels to me as if it all resides on my laptop.

Once you identify the area which needs to be improved, we should concentrate to provide a quality solution. Quality is one of the most essential element as its bind the user to your company. Once done that new users will come soon listening about the quality product from others. But if you failed to provide strong and quality solution to the user then you may lend in using users which may not come back soon.

Every time you don't need to be original, sometimes improving on the failed idea of the other and delivering the same idea with a new vision may be a good thing to do.

There is no success mantra for the start-up but its depends upon you and your idea that what you need to make a start-up to a good business.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Major Bug: Folder disappears from mail

Many have seen, many a times (including me) that each time we create a new folder in mail, all the folders and filters created earlier gets disappeared. It seems like they gets deleted and all the mails in them also get deleted. This is the major bug in there mail service.

If they don't act fast on this, then it may lay them to loose trust of users as they are saving several mails in there folder for future reference, loosing which may incur a loss of information. Though its the truth that mail is not the primary mail ID for anyone as still we love gmail, ymail, hotmail and rediffmail more than any other mail service.

Still, I would say that if is offering mail service then they should offer a strong solution and should be serious about that else its like cheating with your users. Same is the case with indiatimes mail which is most of the times out of service and i can't access my mails 24X7.

Such mail service is good for nothing and we need new Indian start-up in the field of mail service else we can be happy using western mail services because they offer a better solution and we can rely on them.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Indiatimes mail down

Today Indiatimes mail is down and still i can see the company working on it. This shows that they are not serious about the business at all. Indiatimes is known for its news as well as entertainment content, is a good start in the streaming content, but apart from that they do not seem to be serious about the business. Mail is treated as non-existence part of the company. If its is so they should not offer it as service to consumer.

I am using tumblr account which was registered using indiatimes mail, that also comes to the danger zone due to all this. This is really a bad experience for the user.

Same kind of approach I see among many other Indian mail service providers like, etc. who are bad in delivery of mails. This means I not aware that whether mail will be delivered or not, will I recieve all the mails sent to me or not.

So, if you want to be away from all these, its my recommendation that sign up for mail services like gmail, hotmail, ymail, rediffmail etc. whose main focus is email as they have a separate department in the company which works on this specific product.

Email is an essential solution for any web user and should be build seriously. Each company should have a separate department working on email solution, then only they can give user a better experience and robust system. Never forget email is a big source of revenue on the web.

This brings to the focus of the need of good start-ups in the Indian Internet Industry who can bring innovation in new dimensions like micro-blogging or already saturated dimension like email, social etc or may discover new dimensions. They need to bring !dea as well as polish the solution to be world class. This will not only generate new source of income but also jobs.

Hope, Indian Internet Industry will realize soon and will bring a better ecosystem to fight against multinationals. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pakistan music talent gaining fans in India

When we talk about the India and Pakistan, war and sports comes to mind. As both nation play sport also with the do or die spirit. But the things are changing and music talent like Atil Aslam and Ali Zaffar are getting popular.

Topping the charts are songs from Ali Zaffar and even he has a strong fan base here at India. All concerts are gaining the maximum crowds and people are loving him as singer, musician, lyricist as well as an actor. And comedy shows are already captured by the Pakistan talent.

India going global is clearly shown from this example. India has started welcoming talent from outside and treating them equally as Indians are treated in US. It won't be wrong to compare that Hollywood for India and Bollywood for Pakistan are the same.

Its the global known thought that Sports and Entertainment Industry should not have boundaries then only they can grow at good pace in the nation. As opening the doors for talent from outside means that you putting more challenge in front of local talent and asking them to improve and compete, that means more global touch. In the nation can enjoy.

So keep rocking on music and enjoy sports....... lets more jobs be created in nation with growth of these Industries.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Indiatimes getting serious about business - on edge to launch video streaming siteIndia

Indiatimes known for its news content is getting serious about making an impact in the Internet industry. After the success of, a music streaming site and successful launch of e-magazine on iPad, is all set to launch the Video streaming site. was not a copy of any other music streaming site. But is a well organised, with good interface, easy to search and listen music, made it a success story and it became the no 1 music streaming site in India, and that too in four months.

Same I hope to see forward from Indiatimes video box. I hope they wont compete with the huge database of YouTube but will make there own place to survive parallel and then capture the market. (Every time they don't need to win the market in just four weeks.) The advantage they have is the IPL rights which might gain many views and in return will make the site popular which is very very important.

For the internet product/service to be successful, it is essential that people use it then like it and use it again and again. Like, many products from Rediff (MyPage and Zarabol) exist or not, no one is sure about it, so they are no ways that it will get success. So, IPL may bring that awareness and then Indiatimes need to provide a good service for making the users to come back.

We need to wait for the launch to see how all this shape around but looking at the new look of Indiatimes and recent launches, its very clear that we are going to get a high standard of user experience. Hope, Indian Internet  Industry will create billionaires similar to USA and China. 

Monday, February 13, 2012 a well organised music library

Indiatimes new creation is a good library for the music lover. You can search and listen the music of your choice as well as create your own playlist by signing in using FB or Twitter and even create your own account.

Being an alpha version still its very stable and works smooth for me. I was able to search all Hindi as well as English songs. Even some of my Punjabi friend told me that he can find many old Punjabi songs which he used to love listening. But i was not able to find the Pakistani song nahi-re-nahi. Anyways i find this a good !dea and overall had a good experience.

Google, Facebook and Twitter have eaten up all the internet market share from the Indian Companies like rediff and sify. But Indian Internet companies have found a way to survive and work on innovation other that competing with the Giants. E-commerce, Jobs and news are still dominated by the Indian Internet companies like Flipkart, Naukri, Times Of India etc.

So such innovative !deas like gaana will help Indian Companies to servive against Internet companies like Facebook and Google.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Indian web companies letting things go away

Indian companies don't seems to be serious about business. Product up-time is very necessary for it to gai market share. But i saw things going in the wrong direction today.

Indiatimes mail is not working. Just think the mail service used by few is not up and people will move out, so they will be left with nothing. Also there mail service use Zimbra and hence do not launch new service in a shorter period, making user get bored. There is a bigger issue with Indiatimes mail is that you cannot export contact. So, user may fell like a jail.

Second problem is with rediff. Rediff has services like Page and Zarabol which do not require account and you can very well use rediff account which is created by using your mail id. But this advantage they loose as registration cannot be done and it throws an error while trying to register.

Hope Rediff and Indiatimes will become little serious and will provide India with better products and services.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Google Vs FB 2012

2011 ends, 2012 begins but there are somethings which will not change. One of them is the big social fight : Google Vs Facebook. Google came up with the major weapon "PLUS" to beat FB. 2011 witness the Google most serious attempt to capture the social.

Google Plus is already integrated to the most of the Google services as well as most of the news and blogs. Also its user base seems to be active enough. There are chances that slowly and steady it will becomes a giant like Facebook. We should note that once the social network have few of our friends active soon many will join it, hence pumping up the growth.

Most importantly, Google plus is also moving into Enterprise with Google apps as solution for social, video conference (Hangouts) etc. This is where Facebook lags.

2011 already have been an year of victory for the Google products and services like Search and Android. Android not only beats the BB and Symbian but also iOS, that too by a large margin. And when it comes to search bing don't even stands near by.

Its the time to enjoy the Biggest Internet War 2012 : PLUS VS FB