Saturday, January 28, 2012

Indian web companies letting things go away

Indian companies don't seems to be serious about business. Product up-time is very necessary for it to gai market share. But i saw things going in the wrong direction today.

Indiatimes mail is not working. Just think the mail service used by few is not up and people will move out, so they will be left with nothing. Also there mail service use Zimbra and hence do not launch new service in a shorter period, making user get bored. There is a bigger issue with Indiatimes mail is that you cannot export contact. So, user may fell like a jail.

Second problem is with rediff. Rediff has services like Page and Zarabol which do not require account and you can very well use rediff account which is created by using your mail id. But this advantage they loose as registration cannot be done and it throws an error while trying to register.

Hope Rediff and Indiatimes will become little serious and will provide India with better products and services.

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